PDA Safe Zone
A time just for PDA kids to be themselves. Building a sense of safety in an accepting environment
Service Description
Students will be given the freedom to play, hide, read, swing, climb, and regulate in anyway they like. The aim of this session is to build safety in a place outside of the home. PDA Safe Zone is a 2 hour window where a safe space is provided to your child to be in a low demand setting. At TailorED we have a number of spaces for students to be. There is a number of nooks, study areas, places to crawl into, movement locations, and ‘sparks’ (activities) are situated as options for children to explore. PDA students can find separation extremely challenging. During PDA Safe Zone time there will be an area for parents to stay until their children feel confident in them taking a break away. This will provide respite to the caregivers, and a sense of independence to the student. At TailorED we do not enforce expectations on PDA students or their families. Arrival times and exits are flexible and within the control of the student. To add a sense of safety and independence to all students , there will also be areas in TailorED just for students to be without their or other parents. During the Safe Zone sessions the space will be shared by up to 4 PDA children, thus children belonging to other families need to feel they also have places of independence away from perhaps a student who is still transitioning from their adult. Planning ahead is key. An initial consultation with Jess is essential to plan and prepare for the student. You will need to first book a PDA Safe Zone Preparation session. Jess will provide a consultation with the adult previous to any TailorED visit. Students will be able to view the areas in photos from our gallery. Students are also welcome to drive by the location to see the outside and say hello to our chickens outside. During their first session students will be able to explore as much as little of tailored as they would like.